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If you are thinking of booking a Permanent Makeup procedure or have scheduled an appointment for a Permanent Makeup procedure please read the important information below ∙


The following information is to help you prepare and care for your new Powder Brows or Microbladed Brows. It is really important that you follow these guidelines so that on the day of your treatment your skin reacts well to the treatment, you avoid unnecessary trauma to the skin and you get the best out of your new brows. Failure to follow these guidelines may mean the skin bleeds a little more than we would like, potentially making it a little more difficult to get the pigment into the skin. Not following the aftercare advice could mean your brows don't heal well or that pigment is lost.

Before you embark on permanent makeup for eyebrows there are some things to consider:

If so you will need to schedule your treatments for at least two weeks AFTER your vaccination.

It is essential that you keep your brows dry for the first 7 days. Going to a spa may involve facial/body treatments, steam rooms, saunas and swimming pools. It is best avoided altogether with your new brows so please plan your treatment day around any plans or activities like this.

If so you will need to allow a CLEAR 4 weeks before your brows are healed sufficiently to take them on holiday. UV rays and sweat will impact negatively on the healing of the brows.


- Do not drink caffeine the night before or the day of your treatment.
- Do not take any Ibuprofen or Aspirin (unless medically advised) the night before or on the day of your treatment.
- It is really important that you avoid drinking alcohol the day/night before your treatment.
- Any waxing, tinting or eyelash perming should be done at least 3 days prior to your treatment.
- Please wax/thread/pluck any stray hairs away before your appointment.
- Ensure you have been patch tested 24-48 hours prior to your treatment and have completed your consultation form, prior to treatment.

- You must be in good health.
- You must not be pregnant or breastfeeding.
- NO caffeine, coffee or tea on the day of your appointment.
- Do not take any Ibuprofen or Aspirin (unless medically advised to do so).
- Avoid alcohol on the day of your appointment.
- Please eat before your appointment to help with your blood sugar levels.
- Ensure you allow plenty of time for your appointment.

- Aftercare is key to the healing of your permanent makeup and must be strictly followed. If you pick at them you will lose colour and will be liable to pay for additional retouches (yes we can tell!).
- You may notice whiteness or blanching around the area immediately after treatment. This is normal and will subside within a few hours.
- Remember you will be going from little, sparse or no brows to BROWS - it's normal to feel brow shock, but be assured that to others they will look "normal" - it's just to you they seem more obvious.
- Remember your colour will be darker and more prominent for 5-7 days on average - because of how the pigment heals and fades we need to ensure we have sufficient pigment in the skin.
- NO saunas/swimming/heavy exercise until the area has completely healed.
- As soon as your procedure is finished your body will start to heal. The skin will close and you may see a thin crust which will protect the area whilst the skin heals. After a few days the crust, if visible, will start to come away revealing the pigment. You will initially see a lighter hue of implanted colour. This will change and settle over the next 4-6 weeks. In some cases a true healed colour can not be seen for up to 3 months.
- This is a TWO part process, the second treatment (included in the treatment package and price) is for use to perfect the Main Treatment. It's important as an artist that we don't over work the skin and instead, if the skin is being problematic in accepting the pigment (usually down to the consumption of caffeine or excess sugars or the body being stressed etc so hormones are high) we will do what we can in the first treatment and perfect and finish at the follow up treatment. This way we aren't inflicting any unnecessary trauma to the skin.
- You'll likely go on a bit of a journey over the next couple of weeks. Please refer to your Aftercare information on what to expect in more detail.


The success of your Powder Brows or Microblading heavily relies on you following the correct aftercare advice. You'll likely go on a bit of a journey over the next couple of weeks but if you have any concerns please don't hesitate to contact me. Your Aftercare pack includes Gauze Pads, Saline Wipes and Aftercare Balm. With each step please be gentle, blot gently, wipe gently and if/when applying your Aftercare Balm ensure it is a minimal amount. It is vital that you adhere to the following advice:


- Using your Micro Tonic on a cotton pad, wipe the brows 5-6 hours post procedure, let the air dry them and follow with a thin layer of your Microbalm. Continue this two to three times daily during the first 72 hours post-procedure. This assists in healing by ensuring a clean environment around the wound and takes any lymph fluid away whilst helping to reduce scabbing. I recommend using it chilled for additional comfort! 


- Always avoid products and perfumed products in and around the brow area. This includes soap, cleansers, moisturisers and makeup.

DAY 2:

Gently wipe your brows using your Micro Tonic on a cotton pad twice a day - morning and evening - followed by a thin application of your Microbalm.

DAY 3-7:

- The skin is now beginning to heal. There should be no lymph appearing anymore as you are now keeping the brows clean and treating them with TLC.

- Each day wipe in the morning and evening with your Micro Tonic and apply a VERY thin layer of your Microbalm. Be careful not to dislodge any flaking or scabbing.


- The brows should feel "normal" again. Any flaking or scabbing should have finished and you are free to continue with your normal routine (although some clients feel they need to treat theirs gently for a further 3-4 days).

- Up until day 8 your brows need to remain dry (other than from using the Micro Tonic). That means when cleansing your face you must avoid the brow area.

- For the first 10 days YOU MUST refrain from any activity that will cause the brows to become wet or damp so avoid any activity that causes sweating etc.

- If you're going to be out in the sun during the first 10 days ensure the brows are covered with a hat or sunglasses and once beyond 10 days always apply a high SPF cream on the brows.


DAY 1:
On the first day of your initial treatment you will either love your brows straight away and admire them or be slightly worried as they first appear quite dark but you will come to love them over the next couple of days as you realise the shape and design frames your face in a way that you never thought possible.

DAY 2 - 4:
You should expect your eyebrows to be darker than you wanted them to be...don't panic just yet!

DAY 5 - 7:
Your brows may become scabby and appear to be falling off. Don't worry, this is normal.

Day 8 - 10:
They may even look like they have disappeared altogether. Again...don't panic!

DAY 14 - 28:
Your brows are coming towards the final stages of healing. Depending on your skin structure  they will look like they are coming back but may appear patchy and/or uneven. This is when you will be due for your top up appointment 6-10 weeks later (depending on whether you've had Powder Brows or Microblading).


Long term aftercare is key to keeping the pigment within the skin. By following some steps we can help this:

- Keep the brows out of direct sun. Excessive sun exposure can alter the pigment colour. Always protect your eyebrows from the sun with a high SPF (not to be used within the first 7 days as you are avoiding sun exposure anyway).

- Use of antibiotics and hormonal therapy can lead to the pigment fading at a faster rate.

- Avoid self-tanning products in and around your eyebrows as this will affect the colour of the pigment.

- Facials such as microdermabrasion, peels, retinol etc will all promote skin cell turnover - the pigment is held within the skin cells, so the faster the turnover of new skin cell production the quicker the pigment will fade.

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